
  • Cláudio Antônio de MAURO


Specialists of many human fields of knowledge have denounced incorrect practique ofland use in Amazon. However, development policies adopted by Union, State and Municipalities governments are not in accordance with use of environment so as to stablish harmonical life of man with nature. Steadly state of environment existent in Amazon is very recent, dated to the Holocen Time. In Neo-Pleistocene Time, various sectors of the region were exposed to a dry climate, responsable for vegetation of "Campos" (prairies) and "Cerrados" (savanna), isolated in Equatorial Forest. ln dry clima te periods, planation surfaces developed with small declivity; this turns superficial washing of pluvial and fluvial water difficult. Later, under umid climate, claysilty soils developed; they cover large parte of Superficial Formations and have been depositated on sedimentaries terciarian rocks. These soils, combined with the small gradient of the rivers, in function of altitudes within 60 and 90m of the Amazon Lowered Highland, turn easier ampliation of flood plains and swamps areas. With building of roads, cutting of Amazon forest and the use of land without the necessary respect to amazonic environmental conditions, steadly state is being broken in various parts, turning erosion action more intensive, with ampliation of areas subjected to flood plains. Indians of the Region have been expelled of their own lands by conquerors, called colonizers that explore that space in search of richnesses. Actions of Federal Government such as INCRA, SUDAM and BASA have absorved development policies that have determined ocupation of the are a in the name of National Security. So, men of the plac and environment are desrespected in an example of unconsequent extermination of regional cultural caracteristics.

Author Biography

Cláudio Antônio de MAURO

Departamento de Planejamento Regional Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas UNESP - Campus de Rio Claro.






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