Factors associated with traffic accidents in pedestrians: Rondônia, Western Brazilian Amazon, 1998-2022





Although this is a relevant topic for national public health, there are few studies that analyze traffic accidents in the country in time and space. This study aimed to analyze the topic, providing support for planning linked to the prevention of the disease in question. An ecological and descriptive study, using secondary data collected from DataSUS, organized by year and by municipality of hospitalization in Rondônia. Socioeconomic variables were obtained and analyzed in spatial autocorrelations with the average hospitalization rate. A total of 3,812 hospitalizations were observed during the analysis period, with an increase in rates by municipality. The municipalities in the northern, western and eastern parts of the state had the highest rates during the study period. There were highways in the municipalities with the highest rates. Autocorrelations were observed between age-series distortion, percentage of vulnerable individuals, hospitalizations due to sensitive conditions and hospitalizations due to diseases related to inadequate sanitation and average rates. Traffic accidents involve individual and collective issues, as well as contextual issues. It is important to raise awareness among all traffic agents and stakeholders as a protective factor against accidents.

Author Biography

Mario Ribeiro Alves, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Estagiário em Pós-Doutoramento em Enfermagem pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Pós-Doutor em Saúde Coletiva pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Doutor em Epidemiologia em Saúde Pública pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.




