Spatial data representation and estimation of sociodemographic data based on ZIP Code: an application for Belo Horizonte, MG




The paper proposes a methodology of spatialized socioeconomic and demographic data representation that minimizes the effects of scale and zoning and allows greater spatial resolution and temporal detailing and guarantees the confidentiality of information. The data was processed at the scale of public places (streets and avenues) based on their Postal Address Code – CEP. Subsequently, an interpolated grid representing densities was developed, with fixed spatial resolution. As an example of this methodology, two indicators were used for the years 2016, 2019 and 2021 obtained from the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) of Belo Horizonte, MG: number of registered families and the percentage of families paying more than 30% of their total family income with rent. The results point out to the feasibility of intertemporal monitoring of information, in defining zoning, in identifying intra-urban phenomena, among other possibilities.

Author Biographies

Gabriel do Carmo Lacerda, Cedeplar/UFMG

Mestre em Planejamento Urbano e Regional pelo IPPUR/UFRJ. Graduado em Relações Econômicas Internacionais pela FACE/UFMG. Doutorando em Economia no Cedeplar/UFMG e assistente de pesquisa na Coordenação de Habitação e Saneamento (CHS) da Diretoria de Estatística e Informações (DIREI) da Fundação João Pinheiro (MG).

Marcus Vinícius Oliveira Sartório, Instituto de Geociências/UFMG

Mestre em Geografia pelo PPGG/UFES. Doutorando em Geografia pelo IGC/UFMG e professor da rede estadual de educação SEDU-ES.

Frederico Poley Martins Ferreira, Departamento de Ciência Política/UFMG e Fundação João Pinheiro

Pesquisador da Fundação João Pinheiro (MG), Doutor em Demografia pelo Cedeplar/UFMG e Mestre em Planejamento Urbano pela UnB.




