The place and its processes between times and spaces — a reflection on a possible dis-placement and re-placement




This article seeks to analyze and conceptualize relationships and/or events in the constitutions and insertions of/in places, in a phenomenological sense based on dialogues with the philosophy of Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), Eric Dardel (1899-1967), by Yi-Fu Tuan (1930-2022), Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), Haesbaert (1958) and the life path of a migrant from Paraná to the North of Brazil, thus leading to the process of re-placement and dis-placement. Recently, reflecting on some events in the human trajectory, such as diasporas, or simple changes of location, losses, trauma etc., a question stood out to us: are there types of episodes, processes of dis-re-placement in the face of these events? With this in mind, is it possible to have an emotional connection between being and a new space? Through these questions and/or reflections, we analyze particular transits, flows and experiences, people who have gone through losses, changes etc., causing speeches, clues, answers and openings to emerge for a possible process of dis-re-placement the place phenomenological, its transmutation and/or appearance within geographic science, through the dialogues between geography, philosophy and history.

Author Biographies

Jefferson Henrique Cidreira, Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC)

Pós-doutorando pela Universidade Federal do Acre-UFAC (bolsista CAPES/Brasil); Doutor em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Rondônia-UNIR; Mestre em Letras: Linguagem e Identidade-UFAC e discente do curso de Direito-UNAMA. 

Maria de Jesus Morais, Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC)

Coordenadora e professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, PPGEO, Universidade Federal do Acre - UFAC; Vice-coordenadora e professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, Linguagem e Identidade, PPGLI, Universidade Federal do Acre - UFAC.




