Who controls the wind? An analysis of the territorialization of wind energy companies in the state of Bahia, Brazil



The energy transition is the main policy on the Brazilian government agenda to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement (2015). Although the incentive to install wind energy projects in Brazil dates back to 2001, this mitigation action acquired projection after 2009, due to the need to diversify the investment portfolios of companies linked to foreign capital. The proposed objective is to carry out an analysis of the territorialization of wind energy generation companies in Bahia, identifying the corporations that own the energy generation and the strategies used to control the Bahian territory. Based on the organization and systematization of data made available within the State, it was possible to conclude that the dynamics used by companies demonstrate the search for profit, with the climate and environmental crises being appropriate to legitimize the territorialization of wind energy projects in the State. This process has reinforced historical inequalities in the distribution of income and land, inserting important elements into the debate on the agrarian question.

Author Biography

Lorena Izá Pereira, Land Matrix - Ponto Focal América Latina e Caribe

Geographer with a PhD in Geography from the School of Science and Technology (FCT) at São Paulo State University (UNESP). Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Public Policy and International Relations (IPPRI) at São Paulo State University (UNESP). President of the National Executive Board of the Brazilian Association of Geographers (AGB) (2020-2022). Researcher with the Brazilian Research Network on Struggles for Space and Territories (DATALUTA Network). Researcher at the Land Matrix Initiative, Latin America and Caribbean focal point.




