Mathematics-for-teachers Online: facilitating conceptual shifts in elementary teachers’ views of mathematics


  • George Gadanidis University of Western Ontario
  • Immaculate Namukasa University of Western Ontario
  • Alireza Moghaddam University of Western Ontario


In this paper we tell the story of the development of an online mathematics-for-teachers course and address issues related to the following questions: (1) How do we find time in a teacher education program to address the mathematics competence of prospective elementary school teachers? (2) What type of mathematics knowledge and experiences do elementary teachers need? (3) How might we offer such experiences through an online course? We also analyze data from the first offering of the online mathematicsfor-teachers course, and identify themes that emerge. We conclude that elementary preservice teachers need new, positive experiences with rich mathematics to help disrupt their existing conceptions of mathematics and to serve as models for reorganising their mathematics pedagogical thinking. Keywords: Mathematics Teacher Education. Mathematics for Teachers. Online Teacher Education.



