The Teaching of Statistics in Formation of the Teachers of Mathematics: the insertion of student in the community of practical of the teachers of Mathematics


  • Admur Severino Pamplona Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Dione Lucchesi de Carvalho Universidade Estadual de Campinas


When reflecting on the formation of the professor of Mathematics, we detach the contributions of the education and learning of the Statistics for the insertion of student in the Practical Community of of the Teachers of Mathematics and its perceptions concerning the proper social meanings of this community. This boarding is important, since the practical one of the professor of Mathematics involves practical of the Educator and the some practical of the Mathematicians and the Statisticians, it enters other social proper ones of this community. A salient point in this insertion is the complementary form to explore the problems adopting or not one practical one of validation from the original problem and social evaluation of exactly. Keywords: Formation of Teachers. Education of Statistics. Community of Practice.



