a relação entre os diferentes tipos de erros dos alunos e os conhecimentos necessários para resolver problemas de matemática palavra
Word Problems. Arithmetic. Algebra. Geometry. Necessary Knowledge. Students’ Errors.Abstract
This paper focuses on two approaches for facilitating the process of mathematics word problems solving. The first approach distinguishes different kinds of occurred errors and the second one recognizes various required and underlying knowledge. The first approach applies Kinfong and Holtan's framework of occurred errors and the second approach applies Mayer’s theory (1992) of underlying knowledge for solving word problems. The main aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between different kinds of occurred errors and various required knowledge in solving three types of word problems (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry). The research methodology is a semi experimental method. The subjects include 89 seven grade students (male and female). The research tools are a descriptive math test regarding six word problems and a directed interview. The results indicate that in solving the arithmetic word problems, increasing students' errors result from lack of linguistic, semantic, structural and communicational knowledge. Regarding geometric word problems, the lack of semantic, intuition and structural knowledge cause students' errors. But regarding algebra word problems, having calculation knowledge is the reason for higher error rate. Also the results show that the highest deficiency is related to the lack semantic, structural and communicational knowledge.Downloads
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