Diagnóstico Socioambiental. Recursos Hídricos. Rio Jaguary. Planejamento Ambiental. APA Fernão Dias. Biodiversidade.Abstract
Planning Practice is an instrument used in various spheres of research and management, such as tourism, watersheds use and conservation areas, and involves a group of methodologies and procedures that aim to organize, plan, evaluate and propose alternatives to the use of territory, considering productive activities, the planning of human settlements and the development of society, respecting the natural aspects of the land, the sustainable use of natural resources, the protection of the environment and the quality of life. In the initial stages of the process of planning it is necessary to determine various aspects of the area to be planned considering socio-economic, cultural and environmental characteristics. Within this context, a socio and environmental diagnosis was developed, characterizing the current trends of land use and their main impacts and analyzing the environmental local reality through field work, photographic records, reports and data collection in order to identify the socio-economic, cultural and natural characteristics of Camanducaia, Extrema and Itapeva municipalities, that are part of the Fernão Dias Environmental Protected Area, where the main tributaries of the Jaguary River Watershed are located. It was observed that the main social problems in this area are related to the doubling of the Fernão Dias Highway and its role in the regional dynamics and the lack of proposals for participatory environmental planning that could stimulate sustainable development actions. Key words: Social and Environmental Diagnosis. Water Resources. Jaguary River. Environmental Planning. Fernão Dias APA. Bidiversity. CLIMEP – Climatologia e Estudos da Paisagem Rio Claro – Vol.3 – n.1 – janeiro/junho/2008 – RESUMO/ABSTRACTDownloads
How to Cite
Hoeffel, J. L., Fadini, A. A. B., Barbosa, J. E. do C., & Fermino, E. da S. (2008). EPA FERNÃO DIAS/MG - SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES IN THE JAGUARY RIVER WATERSHED. CLIMEP - Climatologia E Estudos Da Paisagem, 3(1). Retrieved from https://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br./index.php/climatologia/article/view/1303
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