


Rural Education, Settlement Roseli Nunes, MST


This work presents a reflection about the Movement of Landless Rural Workers - MST, from the struggles that were fought historically, in Brazil, for land and social transformation, and, in particular, of the settlement Roseli Nunes, in the city Mirassol D'oeste – MT. The purpose of this article is to make a historical contextualization of the MST and the settlement Roseli Nunes, and seek to understand this movement as a process and educational subject. Participant research methodology and the in loco technique of observation were used. The results show that the formation that takes place in the struggles and in the educational spaces, following the example of the school, contributes to the construction of an identity of rural workers, "without land" identity, as well as to postulating the overcoming of the model of exclusionary and dehumanizing society in which we live. Therefore, we concluded that there is a need to strengthen the field as a space for life, culture and work and production, in order to children and young have conditions to remain in this space, with their families.


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How to Cite

DA CRUZ, M. A. de B.; MACHADO, I. F.; ZART, L. L. THE MST AS EDUCATIONAL SUBJECT: HISTORY OF THE SETTLEMENT ROSELI NUNES IN MIRASSOL D´WEST-MT. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 61, p. 336–350, 2019. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.vol29.n61.p336-350. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.