Marks project: a pedagogical approach from a problematization methodology perspective




Problematization Methodology. Active Methodology. Elementary School.


We present in this text the analyzis and reflections that emerged from the development of the Marks Project due to its approximation with the use of active methodologies and, mainly, the problematization methodology. These teaching methodologies consist in developing the protagonism in the student during the learning process, which can contribute to the development of fundamental characteristics for the subject's formation, such as autonomy, for example. The Marks Project is based on the question “what mark do I want to leave when I leave school?”,which motivated students to take different actions within the school environment. Reports produced by the students and a semi-structured interview with the teacher who designed and executed the project at school were used as data collection instruments . Data analysis is based on approximations with the theoretical assumptions of Discursive Textual Analysis. In this research, it is being possible to observe the importance of using the problematization methodology, since it was verified the development of autonomy and meaningful learning in the students.


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How to Cite

VICARI, P.; MARTINS, S. N. .; GUARIENTI, D. B. . Marks project: a pedagogical approach from a problematization methodology perspective. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 32, n. 65, p. e30[2022], 2022. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.v32.n.65.s14389. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.