Physical education and electronic games: an educational proposal for the classes




Physical Education. School. Videogames. Educational Technology


This study verified if exergames can be considered as an educational proposal to the participation of students on Physical Education classes. The study was characterized as action research, guaranteed by quantitative data and was carried out with the participation of 22 students from the 7th grade and 36 from the 9th grade of a public school located in the city of Teresina, Piauí,, consisting of classroom intervention and application of a non-structured questionnaire before and after intervention. The research took place in three phases: observation and diagnostic evaluation; lesson planning and intervention; evaluation of activities. After using exergames, the strategy showed a high level of acceptance by the students, as a dynamic and motivating agent for the contents in Physical Education classes. The work is still limited due to the few studies found, but teachers need to be open to the new and need training and studies on the use of digital technologies, as they are present in the daily lives of many of their students. The data from the present study demonstrate that in a school from Teresina-PI, the exergames were responsible for the significative increase of participation of students in Physical Education classes. Furthermore, the virtual games were accepted as educational proposal during classes.


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How to Cite

DOS SANTOS ARAÚJO, J. .; LINS DE SOUZA, W.; ARAÚJO DE SOUZA, A. .; CARLOS DOS SANTOS, J. .; DE CARVALHO RIBEIRO, J. .; DE FREITAS BRITO, A. Physical education and electronic games: an educational proposal for the classes. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 31, n. 64, p. e13[2021], 2021. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.v31.n.64.s14832. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.