Teacher training in a decolonizing key: geo/pedagogies of sound as a proposal for the accompaniment of beginning teachers – Mexico





Accompaniment-teaching beginner. Geo/pedagogy of sound. Ecolonizing device.


This work seeks to generate new horizons of problematization and understanding of the relationships between knowledge and social practices of training. It focuses its reflection on the argumentative indications on alternatives to decolonize teacher training, from the critique of neoliberal policies in education, focusing the reflection on the conditions of the beginning teacher. In this sense, geo/pedagogies of sound are approached, their epistemic configuration as a formative proposal of teacher accompaniment from a workshop in an indigenous community of Mexico. The objective is the promotion of ways of decolonization of categories of the formative practice of teachers. The results made it possible to recreate the places and the transits of their journey, reflecting processes of subalternization, alteration, dispossession, exploitation and racism on the Nguigua community, and, as a result, the focus of the education provided and the training of teachers that does not respond to local needs and emergencies. Through the experience of the geo/pedagogies workshop, participants recognize themselves as bearers of knowledge nurtured by historical, political and pedagogical processes, recognizing the need to transform their educational practices, considering both an intergenerational dialogue between experienced teachers and beginners, and an integral work that enables and provides indications of a path of hope in geo/pedagogies for the training of critical teachers and, as an emergence of alter-native training processes in the face of the current educational capitalism.


Author Biography

Patricia Medina Melgarejo, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - México



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How to Cite

MELGAREJO, P. M. .; GUERRERO, M. G. .; JIMÉNEZ, M. R. M. Teacher training in a decolonizing key: geo/pedagogies of sound as a proposal for the accompaniment of beginning teachers – Mexico. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 32, n. 65, p. e46[2022], 2022. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.v32.n.65.s16640. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br./index.php/educacao/article/view/16640. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.