Sense Líquen: a proposal to work with numbers and quantities




Sense Líquen. Numerical Relationships. Manipulable Material. Mental Calculation. Mathematic Education.


Number and quantity posters are very common and are present in many Elementary School classrooms. Usually colored and with different figures, they seek to represent numbers in the form of figures, in full and with drawings representing the quantities. In this text we present an alternative proposal to represent numbers and quantities, a drawn form and a manipulable one, which can be used to represent quantities or to solve addition and subtraction operations, which we call Sense Líquen. Sense Líquen facilitates the teaching and learning process in building the relationship between numbers and quantities, values numerical relationships and leads students to realize that numbers are related, that one is inside the other, or that one contains the other. It allows the visualization of numbers and quantities without the need to count, allows the resolution of addition and subtraction operations, establishing and valuing numerical relationships, numerical sense, creativity, and flexibility with numbers. The material favors the construction of knowledge necessary for the elaboration of mental calculation strategies, so necessary to solve day-to-day problem situations.



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How to Cite

ZANCAN, S.; BERTICELLI, D. G. D. Sense Líquen: a proposal to work with numbers and quantities. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 66, p. e37[2023], 2023. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.v33.n.66.s17082. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.