Mentored SAMR formation model for the adoption and utilization of digital information and communication technologies in schools: identifying the biggest challenge




Education. Teacher Formation. Mentorship. SAMR. DICT.


Adopting and applying digital information and communication technologies (DICT) for qualitative improvement of teaching and learning processes transcends the rather simplistic discussion of infrastructure and access problems to be solved – though both discussions are important. The implications run deeper, in a symbolic level, involving social representations of teachers and technologies (Silva, 2013). A result of a bibliographic research, this text proposes that an efficient, long-term work of sensibilization and formation of teachers for the best use of DICT can only be realized by combining the competences sought by a Technologic Pedagogic Content Model (PCM) of formation (Mishra; Koehler, 2006) with the more organically-paced formation model of Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR) (Caukin; Trail, 2019; Puentedura, 2014), allowing teachers to understand the best potentials of each technology in a step-by-step fashion, adapted to their current comfort levels with the use of DICT. A professional who is respected by his/her peers should mentor the process in order to facilitate discussions and the resulting methodological transformations that would be harder to emerge in more traditional formative models.


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How to Cite

KUCHARSKI, M. V. S.; CORTELAZZO, I. B. de C. Mentored SAMR formation model for the adoption and utilization of digital information and communication technologies in schools: identifying the biggest challenge. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 67, p. e09[2024], 2023. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.v34.n.67.s17378. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.