The Pierre Bourdieu’s General Theory of Fields combined with the Historical-Comparative Method (MHC) and the Process Tracing




General Theory of Fields. Pierre Bourdieu. Historical-Comparative Method. Process Tracing.


Social research seeks to investigate phenomena and from that generate information aimed at a better understanding of processes in different circumstances. Through his research, Pierre Boudieu presented his relational view of the world and instigated several researchers with sociological reflections regarding power relations, social actors and his great legacy, which is the General Theory of Fields. In this sense, this article aims to present an alternative path for those who wish to use the author's theoretical concepts in their research, in order to simplify the methodological path without jeopardizing the scientific quality of the theory and work. Guided by the qualitative methodology and bibliographical method, in the course of this work, the phases of the scientific research on the field carried out by Bourdieu are demonstrated, in addition to two method options that can instrumentalize the theory: the Historical-Comparative Method (MHC) and the Process Tracing. MHC has good applicability to case studies in which the researcher will work on comparing scenarios where agents are historical, while process tracing is useful in investigating and operationalizing the causal mechanisms of phenomena in a given context.


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How to Cite

MENDES, L. Z.; MUELLER, A. A. The Pierre Bourdieu’s General Theory of Fields combined with the Historical-Comparative Method (MHC) and the Process Tracing. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 67, p. e15[2024], 2023. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.v34.n.67.s17467. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.