Social representations of college women GTA players: gender, violence and sexuality




Gender. Sexuality. Violence. Electronic Games. Social Representations.


Electronic games have gained worldwide prominence, occupying a growing social space. This study aimed to analyze the conceptions of 10 Grand Theft Auto (GTA) players interviewed about their opinions about the game. The information was submitted to content analysis, through which the thematic nuclei of gender, violence and sexuality were identified. To interpret the results, the Theory of Social Representations was used. There was a predominance of masculinity as active domination, in which the woman mirrors the victimized, degenerate and passive feminine. The concepts implied in the game denote that relationships can be perpetuated, asymmetrical and unequal, anchored in a notion that for there to be a strong there must be a weak and, for some to dominate, others must be dominated. In conclusion, this study offers elements to reflect on the impacts caused by the use of GTA games, specifically with regard to the setbacks caused by the advances obtained by society through its civilizing milestones, and expresses the way in which women are treated socially, evidencing structural machismo. These games, therefore, function as a social cut, in which, in a forceful way, they construct the socially imposed gender roles.


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How to Cite

CORRER, R.; SENEM, C. J. .; SOUFEN, C. C. .; OLIVEIRA NETO, M. de; MATOS, J. M. C. de . Social representations of college women GTA players: gender, violence and sexuality. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 66, p. e42[2023], 2023. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.v33.n.66.s17622. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 feb. 2025.

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