Writing Practices as Spaces of Formation


  • Maria Rosa R. Martins de Camargo UNESP - Campus de Rio Claro - IB - Departamento de Educação


narrativa, formação, trajetória de formação


What relationships may be established between what is lived and remembered? What challenges the writing practices bring to the formation? I propose a dialogue with studies I have been advised where authors produce reflections that forward to a manner of interrelationship between oneself while subject of knowledge of the object researched and are revealed in the writing ruled in the changes of thinking. I ruled myself in the valorization of the narrative as a workmanship manner of communication linked to the alive substance of the existence, the experience; in the experience of literacy writing, the reason of being of the own existence; in the experience as it happens to us. To refer to the living experience it is to report the hike of the research, the construction of the object, theoretical-methodological ways, the considerations. To refer to the remembered is to pass through (dance?) of what is escaped to the formalizations, each report is unique, peculiar, a thing that penetrates, contaminates, labels, provoke an opening to whom read; are reports of the unforgotten that comes through the memory and materialize in a material fragments led by whom practice its own writing. The relationships between the experience that has lived and remembered gives clues for thinking the formation.

Author Biography

Maria Rosa R. Martins de Camargo, UNESP - Campus de Rio Claro - IB - Departamento de Educação

Departamento de Educação



How to Cite

CAMARGO, M. R. R. M. de. Writing Practices as Spaces of Formation. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 31, p. 117, 2009. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br./index.php/educacao/article/view/2200. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.




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