Some considerations on the legal regulation of the process for public licitation, contracts and agreements on the establishment of educational partnerships between the government and the private sector


  • Adriana A. Dragone Silveira Faculdade de Educação da USP


parcerias público-privado na educação, licitação pública, contratos, convênios, financiamento da educacional


Currently the joint between the public administration and the private sector assumes new contours in function of the of the Brazilian State reform, configuring itself as a trend that if it has accented in the educational area, in the São Paulo’s cities, from the municipalization (municipal ownership) of elementary school education, with the consolidation of partnerships and agreements involving the purchase of educational private system’s for municipal education net’s, the vacant subvention in private entities and the hiring of private institutions, aiming at the elaboration of educational politics for the management municipal. (ADRIÃO, BORGHI, 2008). Thus being, this article to look for introduce and to analyze, from the national legislation, the procedures for the establishment of these different partnership’s modalities between the municipal government and private institutions, physical or corporation body, discussing the rules for the licitation process for the services and works hiring, property and consumer goods acquisition, for the contracts celebration and the accords establishment with social organizations to transfer it of public resources, to look for understand the legal possibilities for the introduction of the privatizations mechanisms in the education.

Author Biography

Adriana A. Dragone Silveira, Faculdade de Educação da USP

Pedagoga pela Unesp - Rio Claro, Mestre em Educação pela Feusp e doutoranda pela Feusp.



How to Cite

SILVEIRA, A. A. D. Some considerations on the legal regulation of the process for public licitation, contracts and agreements on the establishment of educational partnerships between the government and the private sector. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 32, p. 143, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.




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