Use of Ecological Bag like "Quinzinho de Barros" Zoo´s Didactical Strategy


  • Giselle Cherutti PUC -SP
  • Maria Otília J. M. Mathias PUC -SP
  • Viviane Aparecida Rachid Garcia Prefeitura Municipal de Sorocaba, Zoológico de Sorocaba


Divulgação científica. Sacola ecológica. Estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem.


The Sorocaba’s Zoo has been developing several environmental education programs for students and for the teachers’ continuing education. Being one of these programs, the oriented visit which consists in a interaction between the public and the Zoo visitors guide during the tour by the Zoo’s different areas. The ecological bags are used with the finality of showing several concepts related to the environmental conservation. This way, educating the students for the visit. This environmental project researched the application of the ecological bag as teaching and learning strategy tool for oriented visits. Two groups of six and eight year old students from public schools were guided and oriented. The analysis occurred when informal interviews were performed with the Zoo visiting guide, the students, and teachers who used previously the ecological bag in their respective classrooms at school, also, with a group who just visited the Zoo and did not make any use of the ecological bag. After gathering all the comments of the interviewed ones, the conclusion has been that the use of the ecological bag is an important didactical resource if linked to the school activities in the teaching and learning process. Key words: Scientific Divulgation. Ecological bag. Teaching and Learning Strategy.

Author Biographies

Giselle Cherutti, PUC -SP

Aluna de Graduação da Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brasil.

Maria Otília J. M. Mathias, PUC -SP

Profª Drª. da Faculdade de Educação - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brasil.

Viviane Aparecida Rachid Garcia, Prefeitura Municipal de Sorocaba, Zoológico de Sorocaba

Profª Ms. responsável pelo setor de Educação Ambiental do Zoológico Municipal de Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brasil.



How to Cite

CHERUTTI, G.; MATHIAS, M. O. J. M.; GARCIA, V. A. R. Use of Ecological Bag like "Quinzinho de Barros" Zoo´s Didactical Strategy. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 37, p. 189–207, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


