Program for Education of Young Adults and Achievement Citizenship Denied: the experience of Bauru (SP)


  • Antonio Francisco Marques UNESP - Campus de Bauru - FC - Departamento de Educação
  • Eliana Marques Zanata UNESP - Campus de Bauru - FC - Departamento de Educação
  • Maria da Glória Minguili


Educação de jovens e adultos, Inserção social, Formação de educadores


Education for Youth and Adults in Unesp of Bauru, started in 1999 with a project to extend to meet officials of the campus and community. Two years later, the PROEX organized a program of Education Youth and Adults with two dimensions: to meet officials of the university and the community. The aims are: to reconstruct personal identity, social and citizenship through education, allowing students of the Course of Pedagogy and other degrees experience to organizing and developing projects for young and adult literacy; joint training activities, research and discussion of public policy at the Education Center for Youth and Adults (CEJA) of the Municipal Secretariat of Education of Bauru. Since 2002 adopted the methodology of partnerships with institutions, associations and churches that served the outlying communities, including removal of the demand and community spaces to be used as classrooms. The development of the educational process has been worked out by university students and fellows under the guidance of volunteer teachers from the Department of Education Faculty of Unesp/Bauru. The university also promotes training courses for all campuses involved in Peja. The results in Bauru point to the achievement of the objectives proposed for the formation of social identity of participants and their integration into society as citizens and for the training of university students and their role as educators.

Author Biographies

Antonio Francisco Marques, UNESP - Campus de Bauru - FC - Departamento de Educação

Prof. Dr. Departamento de Educação. Faculdade de Ciências. Universidade Estadual Paulista–Unesp

Eliana Marques Zanata, UNESP - Campus de Bauru - FC - Departamento de Educação

Profa. Dra. Departamento de Educação. Faculdade de Ciências. UNESP/PROEX

Maria da Glória Minguili

Profa. Dra. Membro da Comissão Gestora da Formação Pedagógica Continuada de Docentes da Unesp

How to Cite

MARQUES, A. F.; ZANATA, E. M.; MINGUILI, M. da G. Program for Education of Young Adults and Achievement Citizenship Denied: the experience of Bauru (SP). Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 33, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.




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