Are there places for Negotiation in Politics Regulation of Public School Quality?


  • Mara Regina Lemes Sordi UNICAMP


avaliação institucional, regulação da escola pública, negociação


Describe the project of institutional Evaluation developed in municipal district education emphasizing the guiding principles of the propose that values the local school actors strengthening for participate in the negotiation for a public school whose conception of quality is socially relevant. By the actors voices engaged in the process of implementation, the challenges, the capabilities and the vulnerabilities of the propose are emphasized. Can be conclude that the institutional evaluation in elementary schools is an area under construction and needs a politic provision to try alternative models where the regulation can occurs in a negotiated and participatory way.

Author Biography

Mara Regina Lemes Sordi, UNICAMP

Professora do Departamento de Estudos E Práticas Culturais ( DEPRAC) da Faculdade de Educação UNICAMP



How to Cite

SORDI, M. R. L. Are there places for Negotiation in Politics Regulation of Public School Quality?. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 35, p. 147, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


