Interventionist Project in the Initial Literacy Block - BIA: “engaging project that brings results in short time”


  • Benigna Maria de Freitas Villas Boas Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de Brasília


Interventionist Project. Assessment. Initial Literacy Block.


This article presents partial findings of a research on assessment in the Initial Literacy Block - BIA. It analyzes the possibilities of the Interventionist Project to contribute to the formative assessment in BIA. One hundred projects from different schools in the Federal District were analyzed, as well as perceptions of teachers, coordinators and supervisors. The project stages and singularities are described and it is defended that developing the project according to the formative assessment requires individualization/differentiation of teaching. Teachers and school coordinators indicated some of the contributions the project has brought, for instance, the monitoring of student performance. They also mentioned the difficulties it has caused to them. Some of the project possibilities have not yet been explored by the schools, for instance: the elimination of the remedial studies in their traditional format, and the organization of the non-graded school. It was found that one of the major needs of the project is “to be embraced by all teachers and especially to be understood by the school principals and coordinators”.

How to Cite

VILLAS BOAS, B. M. de F. Interventionist Project in the Initial Literacy Block - BIA: “engaging project that brings results in short time”. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 35, p. 39, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


