Social representations of university students about subjects of Physical Education in the Faculty of Education


  • Ramon Missias-Moreira Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Anderson de Souza Santos UESB
  • Edvaldo Souza Couto Universidade Federal da Bahia



Educação Física, Representações Sociais, Discentes.


This scientific research aimed to identify the social representations of Pedagogy students at State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB) on PE I, II and III courses, and analyze the influence of disciplines PE I, II and III in the academic education of these students. The study is a descriptive, exploratory, qualitative and anchored on the Theory of Social Representations study. After the approval by the Ethics in Research Committee participated in the semi-structured interview 38 students of the School of Education at UESB. The evocations were analyzed by using the technique of content analysis. The units of analysis were grouped into three categories that express representations of college students on the curricular components PE I, II and III, namely: Positive Representations of Physical Education; Physical Education and Recreation; and Influence in the (in) Academic Training. Thus, we conclude that the curriculum components, the way they were presented, solidified the social representations of students to present themselves in their various manifestations, revealing aspects that sometimes are not treated with expected importance by the subjects, demonstrating the absence of the value of these components in their academic training. Keywords: Physical Education; Social Representations; Students.

Author Biographies

Ramon Missias-Moreira, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutorando em Educação pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Mestre em Saúde Pública pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB). Especialista em Atividade Física, Educação e Saúde para Grupos Especiais pela Faculdade da Cidade do Salvador. Graduado em Educação Física pela UESB. Docente do Curso de Educação Física da UESB.

Anderson de Souza Santos, UESB

Graduado em Educação Física pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

Edvaldo Souza Couto, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Pós-doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Doutor em Educação pela Unicamp. Professor Permanente da graduação e do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação da UFBA.



How to Cite

MISSIAS-MOREIRA, R.; SANTOS, A. de S.; COUTO, E. S. Social representations of university students about subjects of Physical Education in the Faculty of Education. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 51, p. 36–48, 2016. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.vol26.n51.p36-48. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


