Education of people with cochlear implant: analysis of international and national articles


  • Regiane da Silva Barbosa Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Maria da Piedade Resende Costa UFSCar



Educação, Crianças com Implante Coclear, Pesquisas Internacionais, Pesquisas Nacionais.


This article discourses on international and national research trends discussing children with cochlear implant´s education, trying to answer the question: What are the trends in international and national research in education area on cochlear implants? Whose aim is to identify, analyze and compare national and international research on education of people with CI, since an increasing number of deaf children of school age who are submitted to surgery. Method: A literature study of qualitative and quantitative, performed by searching for published and indexed in Databases articles in the period 2009-2013, by using the cochlear implant indexer at the Bank of ERIC, LILACS and SciELO respectively. The research results demonstrated that there is a national deficit studies on the theme while international research develop important topics for education such as literacy, reading, inclusion and important resources in the education of people with CI. Conclusions: it´s necessary more investment in national surveys in the area, since there are many gaps and underexplored or no themes, as the themes found in international research that are suggested for future researches. Keywords: Education, Children with Cochlear Implants, International Research, National Research.

Author Biographies

Regiane da Silva Barbosa, Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Maria da Piedade Resende Costa, UFSCar

Departamento de Psicologia



How to Cite

BARBOSA, R. da S.; COSTA, M. da P. R. Education of people with cochlear implant: analysis of international and national articles. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 51, p. 142–166, 2016. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.vol26.n51.p142-166. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


