City: a space of discontinuation
Brazil has become along the XX century an industrialized country and, above all, an urban country. These processes succeeded in this context of incorporation of politics of development by the state, intending, principally, the substitution of rural and agricultural exporter Brazil by an urban Brazil of secondary and tertiary setorial expansion. Although the urbanization has been introduced as a uphill phenomenon, the urban space hold itself in the most of Brazilian cities as a fragmented space, composed by specifics territories. In the interior of the cities, principally in areas of urban fringes, rural activities have been in contact with urban activities, so in this space, heritages and distinct ways of life have been reveled in a particular, social and territorial representation of the urban space. Key words: urbanization, industrialization, rural activities.Downloads
Estudos Geográficos: Revista Eletrônica de Geografia, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil - eISSN: 1678—698X está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons