Valuation of ecologic tourism in a town of the area of ambient preservation of the magic lagoon, Ilhéus, BA
The search of a development model that prioritizes the quality of life of the allied local population to the preservation of the ambient and cultural patrimony has been a challenge for all the involved ones in the process of the ecological tourism. To unite partner-economic development and sustainable of the natural resources is not an easy task to execute. It enters the diverse economic activities that today if glimpse as alternative viable of sustainable development for the inserted populations in areas of ambient protection it is to the activity of the ecological tourism, in view of being a economic activity that if characterizes for promoting the use sustainable of the natural resources, and allows to awake the ambient conscience of the local communities. This work had for objective to evaluate the ambient influence of the ecological tourism and impacts and social negatives caused in the pertaining town of Areias to the Area of Ambient Protection of the Magic Lagoon in Ilhéus, BA. Key-words: Ecological Tourism; Sustainable Development; Ambient ProtectionDownloads

Estudos Geográficos: Revista Eletrônica de Geografia, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil - eISSN: 1678—698X está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons