Study of the potenciometric evolution of the aquifers of Maceió region, Alagoas State.
Wilton José Silva da Rocha
Secretaria Executiva de Meio Ambiente, Recursos Hídricos e Naturais
José Eloi Guimarães Campos
Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de Brasília,
Abel Tenório Cavalcante
Companhia de Abastecimento d’Água e Saneamento do Estado de Alagoas (SEMARHN/CASAL)
Potenciometria, água subterrânea, Maceió.
A hydrogeologic study was developed based on the tubular wells data of the State of Alagoas, provided by the Secretaria Executiva de Meio Ambiente, Recursos Hídricos e Naturais (SEMARHN), to elaborate the preliminary analysis of the potenciometric evolution of the aquifers of the Maceió area. This study improved information of the variation of the water levels that allow the management of the aquifer exploitation, mainly to control new wells construction. The district of Maceió, with 800.000 inhabitants, is supplied 75% by water exploited by pumping from deep tubular wells. The exploitation in the last decades was disordered, without planning and effective control by the government. The intensive exploitation of this resource resulted in an important lowering of the potenciometric level, inducing an exhaustion of the aquifers and a gradual increase in chloride concentration in some wells
Author Biographies
Wilton José Silva da Rocha, Secretaria Executiva de Meio Ambiente, Recursos Hídricos e Naturais