Geology in Management Plans: subsidies for environmental zoning of the Intervales State Park (PEI), São Paulo, Brazil.
Alethea Ernandes Martins SALLUN
Instituto Geológico
Instituto Geológico - IG, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo (SMA/SP).
geologia, Parque Estadual Intervales, Plano de Manejo, sistema cárstico, mineração
During the development of Management Plan of the Intervales State Park (PEI) and its buffer zone was given special emphasis on Geology due the occurrence of carbonate rocks with karst systems and caves (one of the major tourist attractives of the park) and to contain important mineral resources. The geology study was based on bibliography, geoprocessing, cartographic control of geological units and tectonic structures, geochemistry of carbonate rocks, research of the mineral titles and
occurrences and hydrogeological assessment. As results were established aquifer systems and its vulnerability, the regions of greatest potential for development of karst and the analysis of the mineral resources and minning. There is a need for a detail on the karst systems, which was included as a new chapter in the Management Plan. The provided data contributed for environmental zoning once the geological systems studied have high environmental vulnerability particularly against the anthropic impacts on soil and groundwater.
Keywords: geology, Intervales State Park, Managment Plan, karst system, mining.
Author Biographies
Alethea Ernandes Martins SALLUN, Instituto Geológico
Pesquisadora Científica
Divisão de Geologia
Instituto Geológico
Secretaria do Meio Ambiente
Governo do Estado de São Paulo
William SALLUN FILHO, Instituto Geológico - IG, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo (SMA/SP).
Geólogo pela Universidade de São Paulo em 1996. Mestre em Geociências na área de Paleontologia (Geologia Sedimentar) pela Universidade de São Paulo em 1999. Doutor em Geociências na área de Geoquímica e Geotectônica pela Universidade de São Paulo em 2005. Pesquisador científico no Instituto Geológico da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo. Tem experiência na área de Geociências, com ênfase em Paleontologia do Pré Cambriano e Geologia de terrenos cársticos.