Emotion and movemen in social representations and media.


  • Sebastião Josué Votre Departamento de Educação Física - Universidade Gama Filho, RJ




Emoção. Representações sociais. Mídia. Práticas sociais.


The aim of this text is to offer a balance between social representations and the production of ideas in the printed media, related to emotion in sport. The modality of sport taken as reference is football in Rio de Janeiro, with focus on 2003 State championship. Symbolic actions of players and fans are taken as object of analysis, and symbolic objects (flags, hymns, songs, gestures) are interpreted as source of emotion, cohesion and fighting among the fans of both teams. The semiotic approach adopted for analyzing the flow of emotion and the flow of actions allows one to interpret the sporting field as a special issue of “semanticization” of the symbolic world.

Author Biography

Sebastião Josué Votre, Departamento de Educação Física - Universidade Gama Filho, RJ

Lingüística pura e aplicada ao ensino da língua portuguesa, venho construindo uma trajetória de aperfeiçoamento e produção acadêmica. Análise do Discurso da atividade humana, com foco na atividade esportiva. http://lattes.cnpq.br/2836380035305495





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