Biomechanics Analysis in Soccer


  • Sergio Augusto Cunha Departamento de Ciências do Esporte/ Faculdade de Educação Física, UNICAMP Campinas, SP



Biomecânica. Futebol


Soccer is a world phenomenon that is played by 200 million people in 190 different countries and is important that the professionals who are involved on the teaching and training of this sport make useful the science finds, what is, which time, better and large. The Biomechanics is a science area whose has the right tools to investigate soccer quantitatively. In this paper will be showed some research developed in the Biomechanics Analysis Laboratory (Labio) in the Physical Education Department – IB – Unesp- Campus Rio Claro. Some of the researches’s main characteristics are the preference for make the conditions of the research nearest from the real condition that the action is done, utilizing, to the data treatments, a robust statistics methodology, which take the time structure of the resulting data and make possible the application in the teaching-learning and training processes. This study had the main to present some useful methodologies in biomechanics analysis in soccer and to verify if the variables in question represent in the right way the phenomenon, which was studied. Three project had been done at the Labio that were investigated the tatical positioning, the player’s displacement and the velocity, and the soccer kick. Then, the Biomechanics could show that is a very important area to do a quantitative analysis in soccer, mainly when the statistics criteria are used, what guarantee fidelity and trust results to the professionals, who work with sportive initiation until to teams on the high performance. The variables had been analyzed and taken near from the real situation of the game, and they show that they are adjusted to comprehension of the tatical, physical, and technical aspects. Therefore, with these methodologies, which were presented in this paper, can guarantee a fidelity analysis on the different aspects that are part in the soccer.

Author Biography

Sergio Augusto Cunha, Departamento de Ciências do Esporte/ Faculdade de Educação Física, UNICAMP Campinas, SP

Atualmente é professor adjunto da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física, com ênfase em Métodos de Análise Biomecânica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: futebol, biomecânica, chute, análise cinemática e padrões cinemáticos.




