Study of the Physical Fitness of Cadets entering in the Brazilian Air Force Academy: 1999- 2001


  • Denilson Carlos Ferreira Lopes Academia da Força Aérea - Pirassununga, SP



Avaliação Física, Aptidão Física, Militares


The present study to aim know, analyze and to compare the levels physical fitness among militaries cadets through the physical evaluation test (PTF), in Brazilian Air Force Academy. The observed unities were constituted by 328 (three hundred and twenty eight) male cadets aged 21± 04 years pertaining to Squadrons that to enter in Academy in: 1999, 2000 and 2001 of the aviation, intendents and infantry courses. The dates were been collected of the Physical Education sector database. The tasks of the PTF there were: i) maximal effort push-up event, ii) a 1-minute maximal sit-up event, and a 1.5 Miles-run for time. Were analyzed the three Squadrons PTF in different moments (M1- first year graduation corresponding period, M2 – second year, M3 – third year and M4 – fourth year). For the descriptive statistics there was been mean, standard deviations, median and quartiles. One Way, repeated ANOVA (p < 0,05), following to Student-Newman-Keuls test (p< 0,05). The principal results to point to: i) General way the cadets performance show significant decrements physical fitness in every exercises between M1- M2 and significant improvement between M2 and M3; ii) In comparison among Squadrons to check 1.5 Miles-run, there has been tendency 1999 squadron to show better mean values of aerobic power, exception in M4, and when there was been to analyses upper limb strength and abdominal resistance were, the 2000 squadron has been unique which to show evolution since first valuation moment. Conclusions: the general way the cadet strength to finish Official Graduation Course significant better than that in began course, to abdominal endurance similarity condition found began course, different to aerobic power show less to finish course than that began (M1).

Author Biography

Denilson Carlos Ferreira Lopes, Academia da Força Aérea - Pirassununga, SP

Graduação em Educação Física pela Fundação Educacional de São Carlos (1995); Especialização em Técnico e Treinamento Desportivo - Faculdades Claretianas de Batatais (1998); MBA em Administração com ênfase em gestão Pública - FAAP (2006); Mestrado em Educação Física - UNIMEP (2006). Atualmente pertenço ao Quadro do magistério da Aeronáutica, onde ministro as aulas na Academia da Força Aérea e faço parte do Programa de Pós-graduação da Universidade da Força Aérea (UNIFA) no nível de Doutorado. Tenho experiência na área de Educação Física, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Treinamento desportivo, Avaliação do condicionamento físico, Avaliação física e Cadete. Publicou 6 trabalhos em anais de eventos. Possui 2 itens de produção técnica, 3 bancas em trabalhos de conclusão de curso de graduação. (01/05/2008)




