Emotional repercussions of physical activities for practicers in gymnasiums


  • Graziela Pascom Caparroz Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer do Departamento de Educação Física IB/UNESP Rio Claro, SP, Brasil




Educação Física. Psicologia. Atividades físicas academias. Estados emocionais.


This qualitative study has investigated the possible emotional repercussions of physical activities for practicers in gymnasiums and it has been developed by reviewing literature combined with an exploratory research, using a questionnaire as an instrument to collect data. An intentional sample of 25 adults, over a year frequent attendants of gyms in the city of Jales, SP, of varied physical activities, over the age of 18, of both genders and of different professional backgrounds took part in this study,. The information was descriptively analyzed using the Thematic Content Analysis Technique. The analysis was based on indicators that highlight the emotional, interpersonal, functional, attitudinal, health and environmental fields. The results indicate that the well-being sensation is perceived positively in this context, as well as the notion of quality of life. Referring to emotions, people affirmed that the regular practice of physical activities has altered positively in this aspect, providing pleasure, relaxation, decreased tension and better moods. These activities represented the channeling of anger, happiness and sadness. The activities in the gyms are an important factor for the maintenance of well-being in interpersonal relationships which make people extend their experiences even outside them. In relation to the functional field, people realized the perspective that physical activities improve health in general and noticed significant improvements in their daily life, hence more energy to work. In the attitudinal field, the physical activities in gyms are beneficial, due to the practical aspects of exercising indoors, the professional support and the possibility of socializing, resulting in an awareness of the linkage of these practices with these aspects, implementing positive and proactive attitudes. The time frame destined to such activities represent an opportunity to broaden health levels and existential quality. In the environmental field, some difficulties in practicing the physical activities in these areas were appointed, especially due to the maintenance and organization of the equipment. Based on the results, there has been a positive repercussion in the practice of physical activities in gyms, where emotions and sensations experienced in this environment can improve self-knowledge, favoring the socialization and health and functional well-being and enhancing personal satisfaction and quality of life.

Author Biography

Graziela Pascom Caparroz, Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer do Departamento de Educação Física IB/UNESP Rio Claro, SP, Brasil

Possui graduação em Educação Física pela Faculdade de Educação Física de Santa Fé do Sul - FUNEC (1985). Tem Especialização em Psicopedagogia pelo Centro Universitário de Votuporanga - UNIFEV (2006). É Mestre em Pedagogia da Motricidade Humana da UNESP (2008) e membro efetivo do Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer - IB/DEF/UNESP - Rio Claro. É professora do CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO DE JALES - UNIJALES. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física. Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6996835455696603 http://lattes.cnpq.br/6996835455696603






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