Science and the concept of body and health in physical education

Science and the concept of body and health in physical education


  • Caio Rotta Bradbury Novaes Holmes Place Health Club das Amoreiras, Lisboa



Educação Física


The purpose of this study is showing part of the epistemological discussion in physical education and its consequences concerning two fundamental concepts: body and health. In physical education, this discussion nowadays seems to be a challenge to the thinkers about this subject, which is, sometimes, considered “without relevance” or “done”, by lots of students and professionals. The professional intervention of physical education in the health field is shown in a hegemonic way through the biology, directed according to the medical rationality, being private and individual. That view is opposed to its global perspective. Thus, a reflection is proposed, from a paradigmatic break which takes place through the human motricity theory, whose singularity is not in the object, but in the study field which may allow some relation between the transdisciplinarity when talking about body and health. This reflection in this study will take place from a bibliographic review about the theme.

Author Biography

Caio Rotta Bradbury Novaes, Holmes Place Health Club das Amoreiras, Lisboa

Possui graduação no curso de Bacharelado em Educação Física pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho e mestrado em Pedagogia da Motricidade Humana pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (2006). Em 2008, aprovado para cursar o doutorado na Universidade Beira Interior, em Covilhã, Portugal. Tem experiência profissional na área de treinamento personalizado e lutas corporais. Academicamente, pesquisa e leciona situado na perspectiva das ciências humanas e na saúde, dentro dos seguintes temas: formação profissional, produção de conhecimento, motricidade humana, artes marciais. Currículo Lattes:





Review Articles