Communication and Information Technology in Physical Education for Children


  • Cláudia Regina Bergo Coelho Prefeitura Municipal de Ipatinga, MG



tecnologias, educação infantil, inovação em educação física.


These are preliminary results of a research and some implemented actions involving about 600 children between four and six years old, in Physical Education classes of a public preschool, located in Ipatinga (Brazil). The main objective was to investigate, between 2003 and 2007, the benefits of using the communication and information technology to register the individual progress of each student. In order to execute it, we have chosen a Portable Digital Assistant (PDA), a desktop PC, and, after that, a digital photographic camera and a laptop. The benefits of using these tools were analyzed based on knowledges gleaned from Information Science. Comparing the cited years and the previous ones, the educational objectives were met with more effectiveness during the five years included on this study. The results are being shared in a weblog. We expect that these procedures will stimulate new studies focused on the definition of assessment tools more appropriate to the classes.

Author Biography

Cláudia Regina Bergo Coelho, Prefeitura Municipal de Ipatinga, MG

Graduada em Educação Física pelo Centro Universitário do Leste de Minas Gerais (1992) e especialista em Educação Física Escolar pela UFJF (1993). Atua como editora na Compreende Informação e Conhecimento e professora de Educação Física na Rede Municipal de Ipatinga, na Educação Infantil. Estuda métodos pedagógicos e práticas avaliativas facilitadas pelo uso de computador de mão no cotidiano escolar. Currículo Lattes:





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