The administration of the organizational process of the game: a proposal for the teaching of the collective games


  • Riller Silva Reverdito Universidade Adventista de São Paulo - UNASP Campus Hortolândia/IASP - Faculdade Adventista de Educação Física
  • Alcides José Scaglia Universidade Adventista de São Paulo - UNASP Campus Hortolândia/IASP - Faculdade Adventista de Educação Física e Universidade do Futebol Campus Pelé



Pedagogia do Esporte, Jogo, Jogos Coletivos, Handebol.


The studies on collective sportive games have advanced significantly, mainly as regards their theoretical approaches. Contrary to the reductionist classical models that privileged the simplification of the games to elements – parts – isolated, disregarding their complex and dynamic totality, the theory of the collective games, about the foundations of the systemic-complex thinking, has advanced its understanding about their constitutive elements and interrelations, adding value to their organizational character – global unit – and the properties of its systemic totality. In view of the properties of the systemic totality of the collective games, our objective with this study was the formulation and building up of a methodological proposal for the teaching of collective games, privileging the complex nature of the played game and the player. The study was about a bibliographic research with the objective of verifying and reflecting different already existing scientific contributions, to then provide support to the foundations of a methodological proposal, based on an interactionist and systemic-complex thinking approach. Bearing in mind the essentially complex nature of the collective games, the most important thing in a game is to manage its disorder, responding to the different emergency situations of eventful character, resulting from the conflicts of existential objectives of the game itself, valorizing the interaction of the constitutive elements of its systemic totality. This methodological proposal privileges the disorder – emergencies - management of the played game as a generating source of the whole progress, allowed when the game is pedagogized, through modifications and possibilities of variations in its formal structure, valorizing its complex totality. Key words: Sports Pedagogy; Game; Collective Games; Handball.

Author Biographies

Riller Silva Reverdito, Universidade Adventista de São Paulo - UNASP Campus Hortolândia/IASP - Faculdade Adventista de Educação Física

Faculdade Adventista de Educação Física - FAEF Rua Pastor Hugo Gegembauer, 265 - Pq. Ortolândia CEP.: 13184-010 Hortolândia-SP-Brasil Prof. nas Disciplina Aspectos Metodológicos Aplicados no Ensino do Handebol, Prática de Ensino Supervisionado e Coord. da Área de Educação Física Escolar.

Alcides José Scaglia, Universidade Adventista de São Paulo - UNASP Campus Hortolândia/IASP - Faculdade Adventista de Educação Física e Universidade do Futebol Campus Pelé

Faculdade Adventista de Educação Física - FAEF Prof. nas Disciplinas de Caracterização da Educação Física, Aspectos Metodologicos Aplicados no Ensino do Futebol, Jogos Coletivos e Didática em Educação Física e Coord. da Universidade do Futebol Campus Pelé





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