The pole vault in the school: subsidies for its teaching from a history perspective on.


  • Fernando Paulo Rosa de Freitas Departamento de Educação Física IB/Unesp Rio Claro, SP



Salto com vara, História, Educação Física Escolar, Atletismo.


Stemming from activities accomplished in the nature, the pole vault, until reaching the sporting pattern as it is known nowadays, passed through several modifications that deserve to be known. In order to disseminate that knowledge in Physical Education Classes, this research had as a purpose verify the possibility and the pole vault teaching contributions from its history on, in the school field. After wide bibliographical research on the pole vault history, a text was organized centralizing information and images on the main athletes and marks, as well as on the modifications happened in that proof techniques and implements. In a second stage, eight Physical Education Classes were elaborated taking aim the pole vault teaching at school. Based on the action research, the classes application in the 8th series group at Fundamental Education belonging to a Public School in Rio Claro city, showed the pole vault teaching viability from its history on. We expect that the proceeding results from the bibliographical research and from the application classes can subsidize the work belonging to other Physical Education teachers interested in the pole vault teaching at school.

Author Biography

Fernando Paulo Rosa de Freitas, Departamento de Educação Física IB/Unesp Rio Claro, SP

Graduado em Educação Física (E.E.F.S.C. - 1987); Especialista em Educação Física Escolar (Ceuclar - 2007); Mestre em Ciências da Motricidade Humana (Unesp - 2009). Trabalha na área da Educação, ministrando aulas da disciplina de Educação Física nos diferentes níveis de Ensino. Também já atuou no treinamento esportivo de base nas modalidades de lutas e atletismo. Integra grupo que, atualmente, pesquisa a história do atletismo, bem como, o ensino dessa modalidade no campo escolar. Cirrículo Lattes: Professor da Rede Estadual de Ensino de São Paulo




