Physical training for vulnerable elderlies: a review about the strategies of interventions

Physical training for vulnerable elderlies: a review about the strategies of interventions


  • Tatiane Gomes Teixeira Universidade Católica São Paulo, SP
  • André de Castro Batista Universidade Católica São Paulo, SP



Idoso fragilizado, populações vulneráveis, Exercício


The present study had as objective to raise the principal benefits and limitations of the prescription of different kinds of physical exercise to frail or vulnerable elderlies. For that it was realized a bibliographical survey on the data bases: Lilacs, Medline e Scielo, using the keywords: frail elderly and exercise. It were found 26 articles that included the inclusion criteria. It was concluded that the resistive trainings give important increases to strength and also to other parameters, which can be greater when they are worked through specific physical exercises, as it was observed in result to multidimensional trainings. Articles that studied the tai chi, functional and uncommon interventions effects were insufficient in number to make possible the formation of a concise conclusion about them.

Author Biographies

Tatiane Gomes Teixeira, Universidade Católica São Paulo, SP

Mestranda em Gerontologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica São Paulo. Especialista em Fisiologia do exercício resistido na saúde, na doença e no envelhecimento pelo Centro de estudos em atividade física da Disciplina de Geriatria da Faculdade de medicina da USP (Cecafi/ USP). Bacharel em Educação Física pelo ILES- ULBRA- Porto Velho (RO) Currículo Lattes:

André de Castro Batista, Universidade Católica São Paulo, SP

Mestrando em Gerontologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.





Review Articles