Knowledge about corporal culture in children with no education: an investigation as a bedding for a curricula


  • Marcos Garcia Neira Depto de Metodologia de Ensino e Educação Comparada - Faculdade de Educação USP
  • Jorge Sérgio Pérez Gallardo Depto de Educação Motora - Faculdade de Educação Física UNICAMP



Educação Física. Currículo. Cultura.


The main objective of the present study was to identify the knowledge that children with no education have about the practices of corporal culture and its vision about the appropriation of those during physical education lessons .Starting from the presumption that the social cultural approach of the component that suggests a curricula design that adopts as a starting point the background knowledge of the students. The investigated community consisted of 48 students of the first grade of a municipal public that were dealing with their first scholar experience. The data, obtained through the semi-structured interviews, were submitted to the analysis of Bardin content (2000). As a relevant finding stands out the diversity of knowledge that the students have about the manifestations of corporal culture, fact that contradicts some elements present in the speech of Physical Education teachers and that allows a curricula design different from the component’s curricula.





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