Profile of new students and choice motives for the University Physical Education course


  • Sheila Aparecida Pereira dos Santos Silva Universidade São Judas Tadeu
  • Andre Bartholomeu Carneiro Universidade São Judas Tadeu



Educação física. Perfil de ingressantes. Razões da escolha.


This work had for objective to identify the profile of the new pupils of 2004 in a Bachelor course of a private university of São Paulo and the motives for choosing the Physical Education course. A questionnaire of 11 questions was used (10 closed questions and 01 opened), and the sample was 173 individuals (60.11% men and 39.88% women). The identified profile was: predominance of the masculine sex, average age of 19,66 years, proceeding from public school, attending their first college course, they had attended to the classes of Physical Education (PE) in Basic School and in the Medium regularly, they had not received significant influence from their PE teachers to opt for the course. The majority of the mentioned reasons of the choice were the previous and the the current practical experiences of physical activities. Few (4,6%) had expressed concern in contributing for the progress of the profession properly said and to devote their performance to take care of to the necessities of their future customers (13,85%). The results suggest the necessity of a bigger number of initiatives that guide to a more cient choice on this career.





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