Altering mood in Rhythmic Gymnastics classes: with and without music


  • Patrícia Mori Centro Universitário Hermínio Ometto - UNIARARAS/LACCEM SP
  • Silvia Deutsch LACCEM Departamento de Educação Física da UNESPRio Claro SP



Ginástica rítmica. Música. Estados de ânimo.


The general purposes of this study was to analyze if musical accompaniment or not in a rhythm gymnastic class could interfere on gymnasts mood. In this study two experimental situations with 39 participants were tested. In the first one the participants practiced a gymnastic class with music and in the second one they practiced a class without music. Before and after the classes the participant answered the “Lista de estados de ânimo reduzida e ilustrada” (LEA-RI). Based on correspondence analyzes it was possible to find the following results: the class without music permitted the participants to fell less “light” and less “inactive” and they also felt “heavier”. In the class with music they felt less “sad”, and they felt fewer “afraid” and more “active” and “happier”. Thus it was observed that music interfered on gymnast’s moods. Despite the gymnastic has its place on altering mood state, the presence of music had an extremely positive interference favoring the happiness, the courage, and the intention of practice exercise, it means, interfering in motivation aspect. The music absence brought a certain “weight” to the activity, probably, making it tiredness the sensation of inactiveness to its practice.





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