Identity of the professor of Physical Education: a study on knowing professors to them and practical the pedagogical


  • Larissa Cerignoni Benites Unesp/IB- Campus Rio Claro, SP, Brasil



Prática pedagógica. Saberes docentes. Identidade docente. Educação Física.


This research deals with teachers’ formation, professors knowledge, pedagogical pratical and teaching identity. Between the related objectives will search to inquire the (a) constitution of the professor knowledge and of the pedagogical practical in the proposal of professor formation of the Degree in Physical Education Course of the Unesp/Rio Claro; (b) to point the constituent elements of the professor identity; and (c) to recognize in the teaching exercise habitus of the professors. It is treated, therefore, of one searches qualitative, case study, that it used as technique for the data collection: documentary source, interview and participant comment. In the discussion of the results was observed that inside of the proposal curricular have a set of the knowledge, however they are prioritized of conceptual / procedures character, presenting a recital in the model of the technique rationality. The knowledge was understood with plural. Though, in some moments are prioritized someone in detriment of others. With regard to pedagogical practical is glimpsed perception of this at diverse moments: related with the disciplines knowledge and the teaching form, and with students universe and its scienter. This guiding directs to understand of the professors as a vocation, until the atitudinal dimension, relationship the composition of an historical identity constructed and modified by knowledge professor, action of the professional exercise, context and formation, among others. However, it perceives, also, that the professor identity, with relation to superior education needs to be explored. Inside of this context habitus created in the university is of researcher status, because it reached the top of a power, differentiating of the college teacher. As conclusion points to some elements in this process, as: a set of the acquired knowledge in the personal and professional formation; a agreement of pedagogical practical that, also, it associates its see the professor; a representation of a professional class that has as reference the academic habitus, as well as practical learned for experience, showing an identity consolidated in the formation course.

Author Biography

Larissa Cerignoni Benites, Unesp/IB- Campus Rio Claro, SP, Brasil

Atualmente é colaboradora da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, professora efetiva da Escola Estadual Francisca Elisa da Silva e professora substituta da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física, com ênfase na formação de professores.






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