Relationships interpersonal among professional of human motricity and athletes in soccer


  • Claudinei Chelles Secretaria da Juventude, Esporte e Lazer do Estado de São Paulo - Inspetoria Regional de Rio Claro SP



Futebol. Psicologia do Esporte. Treinamento. Motricidade Humana.


To analyze the soccer demands to understand the human behavior due to the situations lived in the context. In the training, the psychological preparation should happen naturally such and which the physical preparation, technique and tactics. This study had as objective to analyzes the relationships among physical coach, denominated professional of human motricity (n=5) and athletes (n=15), to suggest a proposal of pedagogic intervention. It was used in the methodology the ethnography and depositions as questionnaire and interview. The data were grouped in categories in the attempt of verifying the sense or meaning of existence for the participants. It is ended that the interventions of professional of human motricity are varied broadly. Therefore, to act just in the development of the physical aspect is a factor bordering, being possible to act thoroughly. The Psychology of Sport should be used, so much in the sporting income, as in the well-being of those involved.





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