Popular games: a proposal of practical class


  • Roger Luiz Calegari Departamento de Educação Motora - Faculdade de Educação Física UNICAMP Campinas SP
  • Elaine Prodócimo Departamento de Educação Motora - Faculdade de Educação Física UNICAMP Campinas SP




Educação Física Escolar. Cultura. Jogos populares.


Famous authors already had commented about the possibilities of the games be an important content. However few works had worried in offering a practical proposal to work such content in the pertaining to school scope. Moreover, studies about the application of popular games in the class of Physical Education are more difficult to be found. This study had the objective of analyze a proposal of Physical Education class based in the popular games. In this study had participated children of 2º grade of elementary school, with ages between 8-10 years of both sorts. This work followed the methodology of research-action. The data had been collected through statements. The results pointed to the possibility of this proposal, also demonstrated the participation of children in the chose of plays, thereby they became more integrated to the school environment.





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