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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The  work  must  be  original  and  unpublished,  and  it  should  not  be  under  assessment  for  publication  in other journals.
  • Submitted  files must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF  format, and  should not be larger  than  10 MB.
  • The text must be formatted as described in "Author Guidelines"
  • The  author(s)’s  identification  should  be  removed  from  the  file  and  the  Properties  option  in  Microsoft Word, assuring  the  secrecy policy of  the journal in cases in which  the work is  subject  to assessment by 
    peers (e.g., papers), as indicated in Assuring a Double-Blind Peer Review.

Author Guidelines

The journal publishes original papers resulting from empirical research or theoretical studies in the field of Environmental Education. The works may be written by Brazilian and foreign authors in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French. The journal has been published every semester since the second semester of 2006 and was inspired by the Research Meeting on Environmental Education, an event held every two years since 2001.


Each paper is first assessed by editors in charge of the upcoming number, who verify whether the work is pertinent to the scope of the journal. Once its pertinence is confirmed, the paper is sent to two external reviewers, who assess it according to the criteria defined by the Scientific Editorial Council.In case of disagreement between the reviewers, the paper is sent to a third reviewer.


The  publication  of  a  paper  implies  full  copyright  transfer  to the Journal of Environmental Education Research. Concepts, ideas and  statements present in  the papers are  the  responsibility of  the authors and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Editors or the Editorial Council. Each author or group of authors is allowed to submit two papers per year.


The text must be in a format compatible with Microsoft Word for Windows, Times New Roman font,  size  12,  simple  spacing,  no  space  between  paragraphs,  justified  alignment,  and  1.25-cm  indent  at  the beginning  of  each  paragraph.  The  text  may  have  up  to  15  pages  in  A4  format  and  3-cm  top,  bottom  and side margins.  The first page of  the  document  should  contain: the  full  title  of  the  text  in  the  language  it  was  written (Portuguese,  Spanish,  English  or  French)  and  English,  provided  it  is  not  the  original  language;  an  abstract with  a maximum of 150 words and  three keywords. The name(s) of  the author(s)  should not be informed in  the  text. In he case of empirical research, the abstract should provide a brief and clear description of the aims, methodology, and most relevant results. The abstract does not need to include bibliographic references. Keywords should be as indicative of the theme under study as possible. Figures, pictures and tables should be included in the text file and sent as separate attached  files properly identified  (e.g., Figure 01, Table 02). A title page containing: i) the title of the work in  the language it was written, and ii)  full identification of all authors  (full name, academic background, occupation, e-mail, and institutional affiliation [institution, unity, department]) should be sent as a complementary document. A corresponding author should  be  indicated  in  the  title  page  along  with  contact  information (full address  and telephone number). Information allowing  the  identification  of  the author(s)  of  the  paper  should  be deleted from all electronic files (note: in Microsoft Word for Windows, access Properties>Summary and delete the information).

Quotations  and  references  must  strictly  follow  the  last  version  of  ABNT  standards,  and  the  adopted standards should be applied throughout the text. The following items clarify cases in which ABNT provides options:

1. Quotations must be indicated in the text by the author-date system. Example: Second Surname (2012).

2. The References section should include all works quoted in the text, and only them. 

3. Italic type should be used to highlight the title of each work in the References section, in accordance with ABNT standards.

4. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the appropriate page.


Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental publica artigos originais e inéditos resultantes de pesquisas empíricas ou estudos teóricos produzidos por autores brasileiros e estrangeiros, possibilitando o avanço teórico e o aperfeiçoamento das práticas em Educação Ambiental.


The AHEAD OF PRINT section includes articles that have already been approved for publication in the Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental Journal by the editorial committee but have not yet been published in an edition with a specific volume and number.

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses informed in  this journal will be used only  for  services  related  to  this publication, which means they will not be made available for any other purposes or third party.